We recruit trainees for Audit & Assuance Services troughout the year.
If you are interested in, submiting your CV for us to kalrupco@kalrupco.com. We recruit trainees fro Audit & Assuance Services troughout the year.Please call us to get more information about vacanicies for trainees.
If you are interested in, submiting your CV for us to kalrupco@kalrupco.com. We recruit trainees fro Audit & Assuance Services troughout the year.
Please call us to get more information about vacanicies for trainees.
(Chartered Accountants)
No. 7, Balahenamulla Lane, Kirulapona
Colombo 06,
Sri Lanka
Tel: 94 11 576 8667/ 576 8697
Mobile: 94 777 396659
Fax: 94 11 282 4415
E-mail: kalrupco@kalrupco.com
(Company Secretaries and Consultants)
Tel: 94 11 576 8667
Fax: 94 11 2824415
E-mail: KMS@Kalrupco.com
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
Inland Revenue Sri Lanka